Trunk Road Marker Posts

Trunk Road Marker Posts

Blakedale's Trunk Road Distance Marker Posts are constructed in accordance with the Highway Construction Details, E Series and approved by the Department of Transport.

GREEN vinyl is applied to posts for use on Trunk Roads (except for Type 6A).

Type 1: Socket Mounted - Trunk Road, Verge.
Type 2:
Socket Mounted - Trunk Road, Slip Road Verge (no numerals).
Type 3: Socket Mounted - Trunk Road, Verge, Countdown to Emergency Crossings.
Type 4: Socket Mounted - Trunk Road, Slip Road (no numerals), Offside/Central Reserve.
Type 6A: Parapet/Tunnel Mounted (double sided butyl adhesive) - Trunk Road, Near Side (supplied with RED vinyl only).
Type 8B: Barrier Mounted on Safety Fences (bracket fixing) - Trunk Road, Near Side.

  Blakedale Motorway/Trunk Road Marker Posts Brochure

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